Lymphatic system is both the transport system and barracks of the immune system it is also the secondary circulatory system. Its functions are recycling the lost fluids from the cardiovascular system and transporting pathogens to the lymph nodes.
Closely connected with the blood and circulatory system, the lymphatic system is an extensive drainage system that returns water and proteins from various tissues back to the bloodstream. It is comprised of a network of ducts, called lymph vessels or lymphatics, and carries lymph, a clear, watery fluid that resembles the plasma of blood. Some scientists consider this system to be part of the blood and circulatory system because lymph comes from blood and returns to blood, and because its vessels are very similar to the veins and capillaries of the blood system. Throughout the body, wherever there are blood vessels, there are lymph vessels, and the two systems work together.

Lymph capillaries are the smallest pipes of the lymphatic system it runs parallel to blood capillaries. Lymph fluid is the fluid filling the lymph capillaries. Lymphatic vessels are where several lymph capillary networks. Lymph nodes are where the largest lymphatic vessels empty.
Lymphatic fluid fills the lymph capillaries that empty to the lymph vessels. Lymph vessels empty into the larger lymphatic vessels that empty to the lymph nodes. Lymph nodes empty lymphatic trunks. Lymphatic trunks empty into one or two collecting ducts that are thoracic duct and right lymphatic duct. Lumbar, intestinal, and intercostals trunks empty into the thoracic duct that empty to the left subclavian vein. Bronchomediastinal, subclavian, and jugular trunks empty into the right lymphatic duct that empty to that right clavian vein.
Innate immunity is the first line of defense against invasion. It is the body’s inborn ability to fight infection and it prevents invasion and infection. It can only recognize but can’t indentify, improve and remember. Adaptive immunity is the back up of the innate immunity. It specifically targets invaders. It can remember, prepare for future action, and can improve responses with experience.
The chemicals that are included in the lymphatic system are cytokinesis, interferon-cytokines, and tumor-necrosis. Cytokinesis is the proteins produced by the damage tissues and WBC that stimulate immune response in a variety of ways. Interferon-cytokines is produced by cells that have been infected by a virus. Tumor-necrosis is a cytokine produced by WBC it stimulates macrophages and also causes cell death in cancer cells.

Leukocytes have two types the polymorphonuclear granulocytes and morphonuclear agranulocytes. Polymorphonulear have four cells: neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils and mast cells. Mononuclear have two types also the monocytes and the lymphocytes. Monocytes have two cells, the macrophages and dandritic cells while lymphocytes have natural killer cells, t lymphocytes, and b lymphocytes.
The lesson was quite easy for me to understand because of a well discussed lecture by my professor. The report did not do very well. I can’t give any appreciation because there were no efforts. It’s good that our professor was always there to clear the indistinct topics. I have studied a lot for this lesson because I actually like it. I got 29/30 items correct.
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